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The 100 Day Project

Nutritionist, Fitness, Partner relationships, Good

The 100 Day Project is a free global art project that encourages participants to do something creative for 100 days in a row. It was created by Elle Luna and Lindsay Jean Thompson. Check ou


Hello WorldI hashttps://terap.php-dev.in/therapist/blogs/TlE9PQ==/edit wanted to participate in The 100 Day Project since first hearing about it about 2 years ago.  This year, since I am on maternity leave, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to give it a try.  The official 100-day project campaign runs from April 4-July 15, but since I start my next Master’s semester in early July, I decided to start my 100-day project about 8 days earlier than the official project, so that it doesn’t run into my course work.  After giving a lot of thought to what I wanted to do, I decided that I wanted to write down memories from my life and write about the people and things that are most important to me.  I wouldn’t call it a memoir, but more like a journal.  I am going to write these memories and thoughts in Word and after 100 days I am going to use lulu.com to compile my writing into a self-published, hardcover case wrap book.  I have always wanted to write a book and decided that it was time to just start writing. The object of self-publishing isn’t that someone will read it, necessarily, instead it is that I will get to physically hold something that I spend time compiling and writing.  I am so looking forward to seeing this project completed and to hold that book in my hands.

